AM Cleanroom Build and Performance (AMCBP) was hired by a garment cleaning company to replace HEPA and ULPA filters in two of their facilities to meet their customer’s specifications.
Unfortunately, their filters were outdated, and the filters were no longer in production. Our team quickly proposed a new solution that would provide both new FFU’s and filters for nearly the same cost as the out of date filters alone that would have to be special ordered.
“We’ve performed cleanroom certification projects for this client in the past, and wanted a fix that would fit their budget, increase efficiency, and give them peace-of-mind for years to come,” says Robert Logston, AMCBP Division Lead
“Using over 20 years of experience, our project-ready team was able to order and correctly install approximately 540 new units and filters in a timely manner. The customer told us we did a great job for them and would recommend AMCBP for future projects,” finished Robert.
If your airflow equipment needs an upgrade, Contact AMCBP Today!