Several AMTS employees traveled to Guatemala last week along with The Connection Church, which is based just outside of Austin in Buda, Texas.
Back in June 2013, the church adopted a local school and started things off by traveling to Agua Zarca for four days to build a kitchen attached to a school and serve a daily meal to the kids attending the school; many of whom simply don’t eat most days.
This November, the church group returned to install some drainage pipes that help to prevent runoff from eroding the land where the village school sits. Since there is heavy rainfall in this area, the project will be critical in helping maintain the integrity of the school building that was built less than a year ago.
“We are proud to support our employees when they have a strong interest to give of themselves and do things that support the community. This is an important part of our company values and overall employee culture,” says Kelly McAndrew, CEO of AM Technical Solutions.
The team was able to reach their goals on the 4-day trip and finished pouring the initial level of concrete for the culvert. They were also able to spend time with the children and families who are part of the village school.